The Prefect – Alastair Reynolds

[Tiempo de lectura 2 m]

The Prefect - Alastair Reynolds

Una historia detectivesta entretenida y rápida dentro del universo de Revelation Space, una Space Opera moderna y bien escrita. ¡Exordium, Aurora, The Clockmaker!

No estoy seguro… Lo he leído dos veces y es algo extraño como parte del universo de  Revelation Space. Tiene más acción que las demás novelas, muchos subplots, y va muy rápido.

Tanto subplot hace la lectura un tanto extraña: perdemos de vista por mucho tiempo a Sparver, por ejemplo, y luego aparece así nomás.

Lo que acontece a Gaffney… merecíamos una descripción insoportablemente explícita que jamás leímos. Es un personaje tan despreciable y  atroz que necesitábamos cierre. Me decepcionó la manera en que Reynolds lo trató. También es infantil pensar que Panoply lo dejaría sin vigilar, eso es simple escritura perezosa.

Clockmaker y Aurora no regresan en ninguna otra novela (me parece recordar), lo cual es una oportunidad perdida porque esos personajes son muy interesantes, particularmente porque sabemos muy poco sobre ellos. Creo que Aurora Nerval-Lermontov (que siempre me recordó a Han Fastolfe de las novelas de robots de Asimov, y recordé porque hasta que revisé y Fastolfe era del planeta Aurora) es la otra única de los ochenta, además de Calvin, de la que tengamos noticia.

Dreyfus me recordó un poco a Tanner Mirabel, pero… mejorado.

¡Exordium tampoco regresa en la serie! Esto es desconcertante. Obtenemos una descripción general de la Glitter Band, una alerta sobre la Melding Plague, un vislumbre de Chasm City y una mención de pasada sobre los Ultras.

Con todo, una novela decente pero la peor de Revelation Space, y esto es un poco raro por que es la quinta escrita. Aquí, hay que tener en cuenta que no sigue la historia principal de RS, más bien es una historia menor dentro del universo. Seguimos esperando la secuela, que probablemente tratará de Aurora y el Clockmaker, y obviamente Dreyfus, Sparver y Thalia haciendo trabajo detectivesco.

Obligada, por supuesto, si te gusta Revelation Space (para mí, la mejor Space Opera de Ciencia Ficción que haya leído), pero algo débil.

*¡Exordium si regresa despúes!


Febrero 15, 2017.

Blue Remembered Earth – Alastair Reynolds

[Tiempo de lectura 4 m]

Blue Remembered Earth - Alastair Reynolds

Blue Remembered Earth – Alastair Reynolds: Un gran inicio a una nueva saga, distinta de Revelation Space. Los Akinyas, artefactos estelares, viajes a otros sistemas y… una Grand Quest, una Búsqueda del Tesoro.

Esta, primera parte de la trilogía Poseidon’s Children, es algo distinta a la Ciencia Ficción usual de Reynolds; normalmente nos lleva lejos en el futuro, a cuando la humanidad ha colonizado una parte significativa de la galaxia, y eventualmente huye de ella. En esta saga quizás estemos “hasta el tobillo” en la bahía cósmica.

La ambientación (medio libro se la pasa en ello) inicia la historia de la familia Akinya y… bueno, aún no sabemos, pero pueden estar seguros de algo nivel majestuoso de Alastair.

Esta primera mitad es aburrida y tediosa. El subplot de los elefantes debería haber sido usado solo como acompañamiento, pero como el autor menciona en los agradecimientos, decidió hacerlo parte importante porque algún amigo suyo gustaba de elefantes, o un sinsentido así. En último de los casos —en esta novela— los elefantes son irrelevantes y soporíferos y solo nos hacen desear que no aparecieran más.

Esto resulta en detrimento de Geoffrey Akinya, uno de los protagonistas, y convierte su personaje en el más aburrido, apático, desagradable e insufrible de TODA la Ci-Fi de Reynolds. Realmente no se puede tolerar al infeliz. Uno desea golpearle y a sus estúpidos elefantes, y uno se pregunta como es que sus primos (herederos de la fortuna y empresas Akinya) lo toleran.

Geoffrey es un idiota. Y aparentemente uno de inteligencia subnormal. Un personaje sí y otro también, DEBEN explicarle, despacito y dos veces, todo. Es completamente incapaz de razonar. Y esto es terrible para la novela, porque a través de él, se nos está explicando todo dos veces y despacito. Estamos siendo tratados como idiotas. Alastair nos hizo un mal servicio con esto; los momentos geniales de “¡lo sabía!” que experimenta un lector son sustituidos por apatía juvenil.

No solo es Geoffrey un idiota, ¡encima no le importa nada! Embarcó en una Grand Quest, en Luna, su hermana en Marte, con un construct de su abuela (la Akinya más importante de todos) diciéndole cómo y qué hacer y dónde ir, los Akinyas son dueños de todo (¿Space Akinya?) y pueden hacer lo que les plazca y está este imbécil (lo siento, lo es) a quien solo le importan dos o tres estúpidos elefantes y nada más.
Me la pasé deseando que Hector y Lucas (los primos) terminaran el trabajo ellos mismos.

Afortunadamente, la trama es suficientemente interesante para mantenernos leyendo, a pesar de Geoffrey.

Esto es una Búsqueda del Tesoro. Su abuela dejó pistas por todo el sistema después de su muerte, Geoffrey es arrastrado “por puro azar”. Su hermana Sunday se involucra, los primos también. Y como es usual con Reynolds, distintas facciones políticas: United Aquatic Nations, la Panspermian Initiative con su líder ballena, los carroñeros de Marte… Y aún incluso dentro de la familia Akinya, nadie sabe todo.

Así, después de medio libro, Geoffrey actúa y la historia comienza a disfrutarse, la búsqueda inicia y nos esperan revelaciones monumentales, nuevas físicas, artefactos en otros sistemas estelares. Los Akinyas encuentran propósito de nuevo gracias a Eunice, la abuela.

Considerando todo, y a pesar de la primera mitad y la indiferencia de Geoffrey, una gran novela de Reynolds. Simplemente no puede escribir pequeño, sus historias siempre tienen ese destino enorme en ellas. Ciencia Ficción apropiada.

¡No puedo esperar a la segunda entrega!

Esto sucede en un universo distinto al de Revelation Space, pero hay parecidos: el Evolvarium en Marte también estaba fuera de The Great Wall of Mars (y en el anime de 2007, Vexille), abrir escotillas por la fuerza obtiene mucho mejores descripciones en Nightingale, la Green Efflorescence era claramente la Greenfly, mejor descrita en Galactic North, los Denizens y la aug aparecen en The Prefect… Siempre me han gustado las situaciones así, cuando los autores dicen que sus sagas suceden en universos diferentes, pero comparten elementos, como Asimov con The End of Eternity y Foundation.
Nos dan a los lectores momentos “¡lo sabía, había leído sobre ello!”

Tiene un que otro error garrafal —Reynolds usualmente los tiene, aún no sé por qué, pues son realmente flagrantes— como lo que le sucede a Hector, la nueva nave no debió haber sido atacada, los Akinyas tienen demasiado poder creíble para una familia, al contrario de un gobierno, los avances en física y tecnología porque aliens… Pero podemos pasarlos poniendo los ojos en blanco un par de veces.

El final es muy emotivo, nudo en la garganta, lágrimas a punto… No por las tragedias que acontecen, sino por las posibilidades que se acaban de abrir. Me recordó un tanto a aquel discurso de Sax Rusell (Kim Stanley Robinson, Red Mars) acerca de terraformar Marte que termina:

Mars will always remain Mars, different from Earth, colder and wilder. But it can be Mars and ours at the same time. And it will be. There is this about the human mind; if it can be done, it will be done. We can transform Mars and build it like you would build a cathedral, as a monument to humanity and the universe both. We can do it, so we will do it. So, we might as well start.

¡Un más que decente comienzo a una nueva saga!


Enero 19, 2018.

Deeper – Jeff Long

[Tiempo de lectura 2 m]

Deeper - Jeff Long

Deeper – Jeff Long: Un digno sucesor a una increíble primera parte. El hijo del ángel, y por supuesto el ángel y sus motivos, sus sueños y frustraciones. Ike el montañero nos lleva aún más profundo en busca de Ali y la primera palabra.

He leído esta novela creo dos veces, y su primera parte The Descent, incontables ocasiones.

¿Qué hizo Ike para merecer eso? Y ese estúpido, simple idiota con un rifle de francotirador, ¡insufrible! Clemens está OK, un gran villano que piensa mucho de sí mismo pero en realidad es solo un peón… igual que Ike. Hunter es una copia del líder de la expedición Helios… ¿Shoat? No, Shoat era el hijo del gobernador, ¿cómo se llamaba?

En fin, una gran novela, no tanto como la anterior obviamente, pero muy decente, no se compara tan pobremente contra la que considero la mejor novela de aventuras jamás escrita. Nos lleva, bueno, más profundo. Visitamos una nueva ciudad subterránea, conocemos al hijo del ángel, y por supuesto al ángel y sus motivos, sus sueños y frustraciones.
Ali de alguna manera se las ingenia para continuar en su búsqueda interminable por la primera palabra. Ike no puede escapar a las profundidades. Los hadales no están todos muertos y acompañamos a una madre Tejana en su búsqueda personal por su hija y los demás niños.

Mientras que Descent estaba mayormente basado en hechos, con piezas aquí y allá de mitología y fantasía, Deeper abusa un poco de la ficción. Vida eterna, resurrección y almas son algunos de los conceptos más flagrantes. No es que sea mala, pero Descent fue más creíble: contínuamente te podías encontrar pensando “esto es bueno, realmente bueno porque es creíble”; Deeper es pura ficción y de la no creíble. No mala, insisto, solo que estira demasiado la suspensión de la incredulidad.

Leer sobre la expedición Helios fue fantástico, no tanto con la actual expedición de Rebeca, pero está bien porque no queremos un remake, y ya nos sabemos la mayoría de las cosas acerca de las profundidades, el autor no se repite y eso es refrescante.

Un digno sucesor a una increíble primera parte.


Diciembre 5, 2017.

My Brief History with Watches

[Tiempo de lectura 18 m]

I, like all kids of my childhood, grew up admiring watches, particularly digital ones, and it sparked my interest on the subject to the point that I now consider myself a watch fan, and even maybe a bit more.

So, this is my very brief history with watches.

I believe my first watch was something like Casio calculators but cheaper, or maybe it was a Casio but in those dark ages the most basic ones were cheap.
Or perhaps it was a Transformer watch, red, with a little digital LCD. I also had a Mickey Mouse one with the arms as hands, and one with a cute little spider on its web circling the dial as the seconds hand.

From there on, I treasured them everytime I got to be gifted a new one; several other Casios passed through my hands. They turned into Benettons (by Bulova) —they predated Swatch— as I grew and had to have more fashionable pieces in order to be cool. Sad, I know. I was young and knew nothing, the important thing to me at the time was just how good they looked.

I can’t believe there’s no mention at all of Benetton watches in sites.

But obviously the Casios always were there; my dad had this OG G-Shock —you know which, the 5000 or 5600 or whatever number with the screwable caseback— besides his Omega and several other fine gold watches. And they were inexpensive (regular Casios, not G-Shocks), so we (as in my little circle) got them often. This is important later.

We were absolutely in love with digital Casios, they did so many things, they were tuff, they took several beatings, they were precise and futuristic. They had sensors and were capable of storing phone numbers, they had calculators and TV remotes. And as proof of how well built they were, the two of them that I’ve managed to bring with me to this day, still work perfectly.

My Casios. I still have a couple of Databanks.

You have to understand cell phones and computers came much later. We had very few things as ubiquitous and amazing as watches, thus they were an important part of our lives and got used and abused.

So, we loved them and it was an event of the highest importance when someone came with a new one to school; we all had to see it, find out what new marvelous things it was capable of.

A granddad gave me a fake large Mido Commander in silver, and an uncle a fake Cartier Tank. Which of course I wore happily, never truly wondering if they were real or not; they were just fancy watches that did their jobs while looking cool on a highschool and college kid.

But sometime we had to grow. As I did, I diverted my attention to fashion watches, why that crap, you ask, well, I certainly could not afford —nor even knew— a Grand Seiko back then, so fashion watches were the closest for me to a real watch. I knew enough of horology, or rather, I’ve heard enough of it to understand there was a whole as yet inaccesible to me category of watches with names as Rolex, Tissot, Mido, Omega and Cartier, so those —the fashion ones— had to suffice for then.

An incalculable parade of Benettons came and went, we couldn’t believe our lucks, for that a watch as nice, dependable and fashionable as those were in our family’s reach, continuously, was quite nice. I was very lucky, I now understand. I opened them and interchanged dials between them. I like to see and learn how things work, and those watches were a great and cheap way to find out. Swatch were mostly out of the question, as you couldn’t get them in Mexico, only kids with families that went on vacations to El Gabacho (USA) had them and they were the coolest kids around.

They didn’t last, of course, they weren’t Casios. They all ended up in the garbage. Lost to what they measure.

This went on until I got my first real job, with a contract and all.

There was this new fashion clothing store in town and it was a big deal; fashion, accesible clothing for young people, beers and papas locas (to this day, nobody understands why on Earth did a fashion store sold beer and papas locas), and they were the only ones that had a diverse G-Shock inventory —other stores had only the basic models— and I promptly got a job there and they were nice enough to give us slaves a discount in all the merchandise, so with my first salary I got two Stargates (called so because they were used in that movie a couple of years earlier than I got them), one red, one yellow, and gave my dad the yellow. That was back in ’96; they still work perfectly. We have changed both batteries and straps only once.

I began realizing one of horology’s hidden —by the luxury brands— truths:

A watch is first and foremost, a tool. And as such it should be first measured.

I had the incipient thought that a tool watch was better than a beautiful or famous watch. Particularly after my experience with fashion watches, that yes, were cheap and couldn’t really be expected to last, but then again so were Casios inexpensive, and they lasted ages.

I wore that G-Shock huge piece of tech for years, I got maybe one fashion watch after.

I finished university, got a job, changed jobs and cities, and started earning some money. So I got me and my girlfriend a couple of Victorinox V7 translucent ruby 3-handers, stainless steel rated to 100m (unlikely, because of the regular crown, now I know), screwable caseback, laser-etched branding, engraved caseback and sapphire crystal, all of which was unheard of in that price range. They still work flawlessly.

I bought a couple of Nike sport watches, one for runners (I am) and I got rid of them very quickly: they were of an unacceptable low quality for me —misaligned everything, poorly made, cheap materials, low quality screens.

After those two abominations, I decided it would be better to spend time educating myself about watches, so I began buying magazines and read all I could in forums, in order to gain a vantage point from which were I could better chose. And it really wasn’t so much a decision but that I just liked watches, hence reading about them was in order.

As I was on a sports watch phase, and have always liked exercising outdoors, I did my internet research and decided on my second G-Shock, the GW9200 Riseman with a dragon on the caseback. I specifically ordered the one with the dragon —most others have a ridiculous flying squirrel— and it’s somewhat rarer today, at least every single one of them on Instagram has the squirrel. It still works flawlessly and I wear it as what snobs (sorry; you are) call a beater.

I couldn’t be happier, and actually never have been as, with the watch. It simply was an amazing piece of tech that had a thermometer, barometer, altimeter, it synced on its own (what sorcery?!), and didn’t need batteries! It has a great memory function where you can store and then recall your current altitude that I use every time I’m at sea level.

About that time I also got a dark blue dial Particularly Robust and Sporty 516 from Tissot and a titanium Ocean Star Captain from Mido (originally it was a steel Multifort, but I exchanged it because the finishing was subpar). Both automatic as Cronos intended watches to be, which was nice. I even got the original leather strap for the Tissot, and had to take it to be regulated sometime. Both got sold years later.

So it was some years before I got the bug again. I knew a bit more (still nothing, I realize today) and could decide perhaps not as naively.

Being a F1 fan, I went for a Williams F1 Oris special edition in PVD stainless steel, 3 hands, day-date, and cool design. That sums how little I actually knew.

Still, I loved the watch, it was so cool, jet black, gloss and mate, rubber strap, big legible fake-carbon black dial with white hands, lumed hands and markers.

When I bought it, I was between that and a Speedmaster, which was more expensive, but not inconceivable so. With hindsight, I should’ve got the Omega for the resell value, but I knew back then that most Swiss brands were of similar qualities, and I wanted to project an image of authenticity, not owning what everybody was familiar with (the Speedmaster apparently being the grail watch of all the original and authentic people at r/Watches), but instead a piece that maybe sparked a watch conversation opportunity. Being a watch fan, you could hardly blame me for searching ways to talk about things I liked with akin minds.

In between the Victorinox and the Oris, I got my girl and myself several Swatches (by the way, it means Second Watch, not Swiss Watch), they opened several shops across town and a couple of my friends got to work there, so discount!
Swatches I looked from afar as a child because they weren’t that common and affordable. Each a fashion watch, they were disposable. I’m recently selling two of my last three and I foresee they’ll go fast. But I’ll came to that later. I still sometimes miss Ambitious Goal and Zebah, one had a translucent smoked lovely plastic case with a color combination I really liked, and the other was an aluminum (!) watch that had a kind of dial Indiglo that looked very cool. I half heartedly decided not to ever sell a watch again.

After the Oris, I got an almost true tool watch, with the meaning of not buying anything else afterwards for a while (of course, I failed).

I got another F1 related —albeit a subtler one— watch, a TAG Heuer Formula 1 series 4, which I found out years later it actually had a story and could claim some pedigree, which is somewhat rare for a Swiss quartz (follow the previous link if you own a Formula 1, it’s quite interesting).

Stainless, sapphire, 200m with screw-in crown and caseback, sporty / casual design, titanium carbide (that material is fantastically resilient) in bezel, crown and crown guards, brushed bezel numbering, and a single-sided rotating diver’s bezel.

A rotating bezel, I decided, is the most useful complication along with the date, and the only one ever needed in an analog watch —the date windows sometimes ruins the dial design. A chronograph of course does it better, and I love being able to operate them without looking, but it adds to the complication and price and usually subtracts from legibility, and most chronos in my affordable range measure just 30m or 60m, while a diver’s bezel can measure 12h.

Considering what I know today, I would never buy the Oris or TAG again. Neither similar pieces. Nor any Swatch. OK, maybe the Night Flight which is clearly a Speedmaster homage, if only the newer batch of Swatch Irony weren’t so damn big, and I can’t understand why they made the terrible mistake of re-using the sub-dial hands of the previous smaller Ironys, rendering the subs unreadable because the hands don’t reach the indices —effectively ruining the chronograph function.

But I was very happy with them. The F1 could take a beating. It still does. I still wear it and I still like it very much. They way it’s a sports watch, but has faceted high-polished hands is quite pleasant.

In the back of my mind, I was forced to think automatics were just better, and tended to regard my Oris higher than all the others, and the TAG —a quartz— as good as the other automatics. The G-Shocks were in a category of their own, and the Victorinox was special.

But I also knew a quartz watch could survive what no automatic ever —a quality well made one, like the TAG, not like the disposable Swatches. So they were closer to the ideal tool watch.

I debated between that for years, and sometimes I still think about it, specially after reading the snobbery that’s spilled on watch sites and YouTube videos: always the mighty automatic comes ahead, disregarding the obvious and indisputable superiority of a quartz movement. Also, a quartz suits me better because I have an active lifestyle. I exercise, go places, go outside, swim, run, cycle. For me, an automatic can’t keep up as a beater and considering all I know now, if a watch can’t be a beater, it has no merit as a tool (remember a watch is first and foremost a tool), and only has looks, status, things like that to his name. I didn’t like that I couldn’t treat my automatics as my quartzes. It bothered me.

Still, I got myself yet another Swatch for my birthday, a beautiful automatic skeleton that’s just gorgeous.
Swatch and Casio are the only brands that are truly beyond whatever measure you want to use to describe other watches. A multi-million dollar collection can as easily have those, and the owner will wear them happily, because those brands stand for themselves as True Watches, not pretentious, ostentatious, luxury, status seeking brands. A true fashion watch and a true tool watch.
Seiko too and to a greater degree even, but I learnt that later.

That skeleton has a very basic ETA movement, doesn’t hack, non decorated except for some laser etching, and slow beating. Gorgeous nonetheless.

I stopped buying watches. I had certainly enough. But more importantly, I knew more and realized several things.

A watch just measures time.

It’s silly to place more value in a famous watch, just because its fame. A well built inexpensive quartz watch is not inferior to a well built luxury watch; they measure the same thing and usually the quartz does it better. Watches only measure time, and any 5 usd Casio F-91W will out-perform whatever million dollar brand you care to name.
By the way, there’s a hipster craze about vintage Casios in rose gold, gold, and silver nowadays.

It is as Noah Harari says in his Sapiens book: value is just another of our myths. Materials have no inherent value (besides their physical characteristics, of course; iron being harder than copper is better for making tools, and so on); we give gold and diamonds its value, not they by themselves. And that was continuing what I believed when I got the Oris and not the Omega.

I started selling most of my collection (ugh, the snobbery again) and began searching for an unsuperfluous tool of a watch to use daily along my Riseman. I wanted what the F1 failed to do: be The Watch for me.

Anyway, I got this Seiko at a tianguis, a type of flea market in which you can find food, clothing (mostly imported) and assorted items (sadly, a lot will be from robberies), a retro futuristic chronograph that was amazing. Just as I was passing by I knew it had to be something special; there was a watch I’ve never seen before, but with a recognizable design (from the ´69 Omega Speedmaster Mark II which is one of the best looking watches ever), that surely was old, with lots of style. I strove to keep my cool with the seller and tried several other of his watches first, all used. I bargained (you do that even when buying expensive watches on jewelries, didn’t you know?) With a later crystal and battery change, I spent 19 USD. Mine has the central seconds hand a bit crooked, but I like it that way, it has character.

So, I was right and the Seiko turned out to be the first analog display quartz chronograph in the world. An icon in a brand of icons. A world first. I couldn’t believe it! What luck to own a Speedmaster 7A28 and for that price!
It’s no longer water resistant, and I don’t know anyone here that can fix the pusher gaskets, and it’s also no longer lumed, but I don’t mind, the movement works flawlessly.

I sold it at something like 25 times what I paid; I ragret it every single day.

So, I searched and continued informing myself, forums, sites, YouTube. I concluded, as I’ve mentioned of the rotating diver’s bezel, that I only needed a diver. But a true one, not like my TAG that lacks visibility at night (because the lume is sparse and not very lasting, but the faceted hands and glossy hour markers do help a lot catching reflections) and a 12 o’clock bezel lume pip.

While on vacation I tried the new GW9400 Rangeman at a G-Shock store, which was a step up from my GW9200 Riseman. In action it amazes, the sensors are blazing quick, and the design is unapologetically G-Shock —unlike most modern G-Shocks that are ana-digi unreadable abominations; G-Shocks should always be digital. I almost got it, but the fonts used are the same size as in my Riseman but the dial is larger so there’s unused space, which goes against what a G-Shock should be. Also, and after the initial impression, I like the Riseman more, so sticking to what now I believe / want, there was no point in getting it. Maybe when my Riseman dies, but then again, there’s the latest Rangeman, which is stupidly and absurdly incredible, and one can only wonder what will Casio manage in the years mine still has.

Seiko was the obvious answer. Not a SKX007/013 (seriously, what’s with Japanese brands’ naming?), because their designs are a bit outdated for my tastes, and the dial-bezel is a bit busy. Also the dreaded chapter ring / bezel misalignment stories are no fun. But a Diver’s from Seiko would surely be my next and hopefully last for many years.
I also liked a lot the new Oris 65 re-interpretation, and one or two obscure brands like the Zelos Hammerhead, any Sinn diver (that tegimented steel is out of this world!), the Zodiac Super Sea Wolf “Gulf” re-issue… but they are vastly more expensive than a Seiko, and if a Seiko is (and this is the consensus), the better watch, why should I pay more? Brands trust us to be naive.

Anyway, I kept looking on and off, and at the same time I took out from my rotation (that also sounds terribly snob, and you know it) most of my watches but the Riseman, the F1 and the Body and Soul. A sport tool, a casual tool, and a dressier piece.

I discovered Seiko Monsters and was instantly in love with them, particularly the new Sea Monster and the Orange Monster. They weren’t too expensive.

I tracked the blue one and almost got it used at a great price, but the seller backed off at the last minute. New costs twice as much and I couldn’t justify it, so I ended up not getting it, and kept on searching.

By now, I know a lot more about watches than ever, I can tell which watches are worth it, which ones are famous, historical, from where they come from, what are their influences. I know that Jaeger-LeCoultre supplies movements to the holy trinity of Audemars Piguet, Vacheron Constantin and Patek Philippe. I can tell the Nautilus from the Royal Oak, and that Hublot is cheap, its ex boss Jean-Claude Biver to blame, and he’s proceeding to ruin also TAG Heuer… but he also helped save the Swiss industry from Japanese and American quartz, turned Omega into what is today, and brought Blancpain back from the dead. I know Tudor divers were first, but held back by Rolex in order for the latter to gain a false prestige. I know Makos and Rays from Turtles and Hammerheads, Searamblers from Super Oceans; Richard Mille is a laughing stock while being technological marvels, and Urwerk is just from other planet… I also know cosmographs don’t really graph the cosmos, and that in order to impress you have to write everything on the dial and repeat your brand name ad nauseam in the rehaut, after having your watch officially and professionally superlatively certified, in Rolesor, of course. I understand Valjoux, ETA, Miyota, Seiko and Sea-Gull, and the achievement and value of an in-house movement.
I hear with contempt those poor souls that think Rolex and Omega are truly luxury brands, or the best watches ever, or those that dismiss Seikos and Casios, knowing nothing of horology.

As I’m older, my tastes change and I have to leave behind —to a point— most flashy things, instead opting for a more appropriate look. Think a Fifty Fathoms. Those are very nice looking watches (and Jacques Cousteau’s choice, if you’re into that kind of thing, better company than Steve McQueen, Paul Newman, James Bond or the Moon), simple and to the point, no superfluous things in them —the originals, of course, not the modern jewels they try to pass as tool watches. But terribly expensive, and again, I don’t want a jewel.

One fine day, wondering the deep trenches and abysses of the internets, I discovered a true jewel. The Casio Marlin Duro MDV106.

It had all I wanted! Black sober dial, but with a lovely sunburst! Applied indices (you don’t even see this on the 3-4x priced Seikos), decent lume, legible big fat —but not Seiko fat— even faceted hands! 200m, screw in crown and caseback, date and rotating aluminum insert bezel with lume pip at 12. A true diver!
Even better: it is quartz! So it will keep up without me baby sitting it.

The truly amazing thing about this Casio, is the price. This is a watch well under 50 usd. You simply can’t get all that this Marlin offers at this price point (actually, at several times this price point) from any other brand, not even a Seiko 5 comes close. This Duro (duro meaning hard in Italian and Spanish) really makes you wonder what scams, pillages and robberies all the other brands are inflicting upon us.

This is an obvious homage to bigger names, the dial is unmistakably Submariner with circles and rectangles for the markers (which actually come from Blancpain, as the Rolex Submariner came after the Fifty Fathoms), the sunburst also comes from Blancpain. The 12 o’clock lumed bezel marker is a must in a diver, and this is Casio’s particular design (they’ve had it on several divers). The Marlin is a great touch, particularly on the caseback were it shouldn’t be because of the ridiculous pricing. A true tool, a beautiful watch, a serious diver, a daily beater, an inexpensive —not cheap— piece. A watch to be truly proud of.

As always with Japanese divers, because their ridiculous naming system, they get a fan name (turtle, monster…); the official name for this is Duro, but the fan name is obviously Marlin, which always adds and endears.

The only negatives, besides the ugly plastic bracelet —well, not ugly but sparse, it actually is a Casio trademark with its deep grooves— are that it has no sapphire but mineral crystal (because price!), that 200m legend doesn’t look so good and the crown is on the small side. And of course the finishing and faceting is not quite up there, again, price! But considering from where it comes from it’s an almost unthinkable improvement. The father of this is the original Marlin MVD102, which being honest is not very nice looking at all, bulkier and busier, unnecessarily so; this one being so clean, neat and packed speaks wonders of Casio’s designers.
Also, you really can’t find negatives on a watch that has all this one has for that price. Well, the size is also wrong, 45.5ish mm is on the large side; 42 would have been so much better.

The previous Marlin had too much text (and that’s a hideous thing, eh Rolex?), a cheesy “super illuminator” legend (but in red, so you know who was their inspiration even then), a robust but busy design. The new version is surprisingly lean to say the least.

So, this was it! I ordered mine! I will change the strap for a gray, brown or green zulu and maybe even a lovely diver shark mesh bracelet in the future, and be done with all my other watches (except the Riseman for exercising and the skeleton Swatch for dress-up —the Victorinox stays, obviously, as well as my Stargate and Databank, but I’ll sell all the others, maybe even the TAG. The Speedmaster is on sale but I really don’t want it to go, so I listed it a bit over what I’ve seen on ebay (but mine is in better condition than most I’ve seen), because it’s a part of horological history after all, and my only watch as such.

At last, a True Tool, a proper watch, besides G-Shocks, as I’ve mentioned, they’re on a category of their own.

And it’s a Casio! A brand I’ve respected and admired from the moment I got my first one for what they’ve accomplished! I can’t ask for more. As a plus, being so inexpensive, if I get robbed —this being Mexico— it won’t hurt as much and will be easily replaceable.

I intend to not buy anything else for years, but maybe one day I will get one of these: the evolution of the Rangeman. I truly believe this model is the future for G-Shock, embracing what G is, and what a smartwatch could do. The Ressence Type 5 oil filled watch is a thing of beauty and a very authentic and original brand —that planetary dial must look amazing. And of course a proper luxury Seiko Diver.

So, that’s my not so brief after all history with watches. I’ve liked them always, and it’s a subject I enjoy a lot.
Casually, just yesterday I got to try an Omega 007 Seamaster from a friend and… well, it’s incredibly bulky, a huge and heavy lump of steel. Yes, beautifully made, but it didn’t speak to me, less because it’s a mall watch, a mass marketed, machine made, James Bond endorsed (that’s cheap, that’s Omega) expensive thing that marketing will have you believe is top of the hill.

Hopefully you enjoyed the long read!

Update 2020:

I ditched the Marlin after using it for about a year, its terribly poor lume, humongous size, and hard to turn bezel are why I exchanged it for a Citizen Promaster BN0100, fan named Excalibur, no longer made. I also sold the Seiko chrono, and miss it terribly. My Redrum Swatch is gone too. I’m not buying watches anymore, until my Riseman dies and I’ll exchange it for another, more modern, G-Shock.

The Excalibur has all the good things I liked about the Marlin, plus incredibly bright two-tone lume (and I mean it, it lasts at least two days in full darkness), smooth bezel, a bit smaller than the Marlin, better design (hands don’t protrude back from the center, minutes in orange, hashed more like a Longines Legend than a Submariner, much better finishing), and it’s an Eco-Drive —everyone knows solar-powered quartz movements are amongst the best movements, second only to the radio/GPS controlled ones. It came on a steel diver’s (adjustable on the fly) bracelet, but I motsly use it on a Barton elite silicon for comfort and looks. It’s also a true diver, in the sense that it complies with ISO 6425 —which of course older and more luxurious brands don’t care about.
It also has an anti-reflective coating on the inside of the glass, at least when comparing it even to my F1 it reflects a lot less and is that more legible, even though I haven’t read it officially.

Best thing is thanks to some arcane eBay magic I got it for about 35usd, I only paid shipment!

Update 2021:

OK, I just ordered this ultra gorgeous manual mechanical chronograph from China that uses the Sea-Gull ST1901 movement and is based on a 1963 Sea-Gull prototype for the Chinese AirForce that never got made, because, I mean, look at it! Look at it!

What’s so special about it? Well, several things actually: Sea-Gull is the fourth or so manufacturer of watch movements in the world, and the first one on mechanicals, so right up there, this movement was a Swiss Venus originally, but they bought everything. Then it’s a chronograph with a column wheel, a feature superior to the ones with cam-lever and only found on much more expensive pieces. It has 45-ish hours power reserve and a domed sapphire crystal —sapphire is not used on watches on this price bracket, at all. A domed one is unheard of. On top of all that, it has an incredible and authentic design that to me evoques the communist Chinese stories for children my granddad gave us ages ago. Also, I’ve never had a mechanical chrono.

There have been several iterations of this watch by a few brands (Sugess, Seakoss), they all use the Sea-Gull movement, and Sea-Gull even released one themselves after realizing other brands were having success. The last image in the gallery below is the usual one (it’s the Sugess one, on the Sea-Gull one the chrono minutes hand lacks the back protrusion, the Chinese characters are slightly different, and it’s acrylic only), the one that everyone has, with no lume and a different and even more gorgeous red big seconds hand… but I want the lume as, again, a watch is a tool, and I definitely don’t want the one every YouTuber is getting because authenticity. By the way, I found out about this watch on AliExpress’ recommendations.

Oh, price? Less than 150 USD, shipping included (because AliExpress’ special sale). Nányǐ zhìxìn de! (That’s Chinese for Unbelievable!). I also ordered a Barton green canvas, because I hate NATOs (after having used one on my Marlin; they add a lot of height), and the leather additional strap looks terribly cheap.

That’s it! I need to stop. I haven’t even managed to sell the ones that I don’t use anymore and I’m already planning in getting another one… Speaking about that, the other day I got a bargain price on a Casio Databank DBX-100 from 1988 working perfectly, which is the only Databank with (I’m sure) steel case, mineral crystal, and full dot-matrix screen, instead of plastic, acrylic, and LCD. Owner didn’t know what he had. It came with a very poorly cut and set keyboard from a DBC-62; I’m in the process of restoring it, there’s a couple of guys on eBay that sell matt polyester stickers, but they ask gold prices (they ask more than what I paid for the watch!), and I haven’t been able to find a suitable replacement in my usual places. We’ll see.


Poniatowska sobre AMLO y el Problema de la Comunicación y la Ignorancia

[Tiempo de lectura 4 m]

La opinión de Elena Poniatowska—en una entrevista para El País—sobre Andrés Manuel López Obrador, la ignorancia de la juventud, la inseguridad e impunidad en el país, y la corrupción institucional del gobierno.

Acaba de publicar El País una entrevista con Elena Poniatowska, que era cool antes de ser cool “estoy con él [AMLO] desde que era jefe de Gobierno de la Ciudad de México. Soy de las de antes, no de los de última hora. Fui a todas las manifestaciones y hablé en todos los templetes”, antes de continuar dale una leída por favor.

Siempre un placer leer a quien sabe escribir; hay una comunicación propia y—más importante, pues es justamente lo que garantiza la comprensión en el más básico sentido de estar de acuerdo en lo que se está diciendo o leyendo, nada que “para mi, esto significa aquello”—sin ambigüedades, ¡caray!

¿Elena Poniakién? Dirán justo aquellos a quienes este tipo de información serviría más, justo la chaviza de la que periodista opina:

Hay esquemas en México que parecen como una religión: siempre hablan, por ejemplo, del cantante José José, que es víctima y preso del alcoholismo, luego está su mamá, la típica mamá mexicana de ‘hijito, hijito’, su hermano envidioso, todas esas imbecilidades que de veras nos ahogan, de que tú eres víctima de tus circunstancias, en México, ese discurso es fundamental y es lo más nocivo que hay.

Y es lo más triste del asunto: Yo convivo con jóvenes por mi trabajo, puedo asegurarles que a la juventud no le interesa ya saber, “equis no importa” contestan. No sabe “investigar” (clic derecho, buscar con Google), y como no sabe leer, por no haber leído nada jamás, pues con trabajos sabe hablar. Mucho menos opinar, participar en la discusión.
No se puede uno comunicar con quien carece de los elementos básicos para comunicarse, de la manera más literal posible: no saber hablar por no saber leer por no haber leído nada jamás.


Esa juventud que perdió en algún momento la capacidad del pensamiento crítico y se cree cualquier sandez que se le ponga enfrente, sin tratar de pensar, analizar. Comprender. Preguntar a quien sepa.
Escribir ni siquiera aplica, es un arte olvidado.

Understanding is a kind of ecstasy.
-Carl Sagan.

“Lo que nos sucede a la mitad de los mexicanos es que no sabemos de qué estamos hablando (risas). Tenemos una supina ignorancia. Los que saben en general son tan aburridos que no les sigue nadie…”, lo dicho; lo nuestro es la ignorancia como forma de vida, como virtud. ¿Leer? ¿Libros? ¿Noticias, blogs de interés general, de ciencia for dummies?
El tema va de la mano con no saber distinguir fake news, por pensar algo tan evidentemente sesgado como que el artículo “los robos de Anaylla el Canaylla” del sitio “noticias jarochas del feis punto com”, por decir de cualquier partido, tendrá información veraz sobre ese candidato. Esa incapacidad, producto de lo dicho, de no saber leer por no haber leído jamás, nos va a salir muy cara como país en unos años.

Soy periodista desde 1953, recibo los periódicos a diario. Me parece pobrísima, bajísimo y tristísimo el nivel del debate, la facilidad de palabra de López Obrador me deja pasmada (risas), se va a enojar…

Disculparán, pero tengo que aclarar fue sarcasmo de su parte, por aquello mencionado ya.

Tema de la mano, con la ignorancia digo, es la corrupción. La venta, saqueo, privatización masiva del país.
Los últimos años he tenido la enorme fortuna de viajar un poco por el sur de México—poco en verdad, ni se crean que tanto—y por todos lados es lo mismo: hectáreas de playa y terrenos vírgenes regalados a amigos empresarios y funcionarios de gobierno. Facilidades de pago y hasta dádivas a empresas extranjeras hoteleras y desarrolladoras. Cercas en nuestras playas. ¡Literal, rejas metálicas para que no entremos a nuestras playas! ¡Playas que deberían ser gratis en las que ahora te cobran $100 por entrar! Sin mencionar siquiera la compra—que más bien expropiación—de terrenos donde están las casitas de la gente, que prácticamente son desalojados de ellas, cuando la mancha urbana turística los alcanza.

El envilecimiento de México es tan profundo, ha llegado tan lejos… en las depresiones te dicen que hay que tocar fondo para volver a hacer pie, pero que tienes que llegar hasta el fondo. Espero que México haya tocado fondo, que no haya otra sorpresa catastrófica.

Lástima que se ve poco, pues la manera habitual del turista es llegar a su hotel y no moverse más de 3 o 4 cuadras alrededor, entonces no se da cuenta de todo esto que sucede un poquito más lejos de la zona turística por definición del lugar.

En fin. He tratado de dialogar de repente; de verdad es casi imposible, la barrera del no c y no me hinteresa empesar a saber es demasiado.

Imaginen que ustedes le entienden a algo muy difícil, a la Teoría de la Relatividad, por ejemplo. Ahora imaginen que deseas explicársela a alguien… El mayor problema será que el interlocutor carecerá de las bases para poder entender. No sabe de Física, de Astrofísica, de Termodinámica, y de cualquier cantidad de conocimientos previos, que tú das por sentado—creerá que los pársecs miden tiempo. Será imposible que le expliques, que te entienda.

Ahora imagina que no es la Teoría de la Relatividad lo que deseas explicar, sino cualquier cosa del diario, pero como las bases para ello son saber hablar y escribir y carecen de ellas, pues resulta igual de imposible el diálogo y la comprensión.

Es terrible.

Lo que nos sucede a la mitad de los mexicanos es que no sabemos de qué estamos hablando (risas). Tenemos una supina ignorancia. Los que saben en general son tan aburridos que no les sigue nadie…

No tan difícil como se cree.